A Quack’s Quick Guide: How to Objectify Women

We’ve all been there: you’re at a party and your coworker points to a young lady across the room, leans over to you, and says, “Nice tits.” It makes you a little uncomfortable. Like any decent human being, you realize that humanity is all we have in life (unless you’re a stripper), and to deny someone their humanity by reducing them to mere “tits” robs them of their identity and turns them into soulless objects. Yes, the woman across the room may have impeccable breasts, but she probably has a nice personality too, right? Right?

And yet… you can’t help feeling a little admiration for your coworker, who with confidence seems to be able to conquer the world of women by belittling them into small, acquirable items. Later that night, you notice your coworker hooking up with two chicks at the same time, while you’ve been relentlessly pursuing the aloof and evasive nice-looking girl in the corner by asking her soul-searching questions like, “What’s your major?” and “How do you feel about Dudamel’s interpretation of Shostakovich’s 10th Symphony?” But don’t worry, it’s not that you’re uninteresting or that she only listens to Top 40; you’re just not a big enough asshole.

You see, human beings are in a perpetual quest for self-completion, and it’s this desire for the complete self that forces us to continue searching and experiencing new things in life. The asshole coworker realizes this, and knows how to use this to his advantage. By belittling the young lady and removing any shred of dignity she might have had left, he is making her feel even more incomplete, and it’s this new internal void she needs to fill. The coworker, having robbed her of her dignity, can hold this dignity hostage until the young lady succumbs to a sort of Stockholm Syndrome and feels satisfaction in fulfilling her internal void not with her recently deprived dignity, but rather with the captor who stole it.

You’re a nice guy, so I realize objectifying women might be difficult for you. Fortunately, I have provided you with a Quack-Approved step by step process for learning how to objectify women.

1.  Find a nice young lady that fits your ideal

Maybe you could pretend it’s love at first sight from across the classroom, or perhaps the cute girl at Subway throws a little extra meat on your sandwich. Women are everywhere, and with the right frame of mind, you can imagine details about who they are and what they’re like until they fit your perfect mold of who you see yourself with in the future. It doesn’t matter that you’ve never actually met them; the important thing is that you fool yourself into thinking they’re right for you.

2.  Stalk them endlessly on Facebook (warning: friending them might be necessary – don’t worry, she has 900 friends, she’ll accept your request)

Now you have a woman of interest whom you imagine to fit your ideal. Stalking them on Facebook can act as a fact check between who you think they are and who they actually are. But don’t let inconsistencies shatter your reality! Take infinite liberties in molding their profile information to fit your fantasy. Take the following chart for an example.

Who you imagine her to be What it says on her Facebook Conclusion you can draw
Enjoys the outdoors Watches Reality TV Will love the harsh reality of the wilderness
Reads Dostoevsky Reads Cosmopolitan Enjoys analyzing contemporary human behavior and sexuality
Is agnostic Has Bible passages in her favorite quotes Is agnostic, but finds the Bible fascinating
Political views: liberal Political views: conservative She was raised that way; college will change her
Single In a Relationship They’ll break up soon
Interested in: Men Interested in: Women She appreciates irony

The contradictions between who you imagine her to be and how she describes herself on Facebook just add to the complexity of her personality. The more contradictions, the better!

3.  Stage your first meeting

Now that you’ve thoroughly studied her for months on Facebook, it’s time to meet her in person. She might recognize you in class, or as the person who always gets a 12-inch meatball sandwich on whole grain, but now you need to get personal. If you don’t feel like meeting her in class or at Subway, simply refresh your news feed or her profile every five minutes until she indicates some sort of immediate plan:

“g2g grocrery shopping now lol”

This is perfect. You already know where she lives and where her nearest Ralphs is. Go there and hang out in the cereal isle. Everyone needs cereal. You can also drive between Ralphs and the nearest Vons every five minutes just to make sure, but don’t spend too long in any one place. When you finally meet her, only indicate what you know she knows you know about her. Try to get her in the check-out line where she can’t run away.

“Hi. Aren’t you in my sociology class?”
“You mean the one with 300 people in lecture? Probably.”
“Yeah, that one! I’m (your name).”
“I’m (her name).”
“Did you do the homework for today?”
“I started it, but I didn’t finish because I was watching Jersey Shore.”
“OMG I love that show!”*
“Yeah, me too! …oh hey, can you hand me that Cosmo right there?”

* Challenge: Yes, you already know everything about her, but it’s important during this first meeting to pretend like you know nothing.

4.  Become her best friend (allow up to two years for the completion of this step)

Because you’re a nice guy, you’re probably already an expert at this step. The secret is to support her in all of her life choices, and to listen to her whenever she complains about her friends or her boyfriend (don’t worry, they’ll break up soon). You can’t indicate any romantic interest because it might scare her away, but you should always be there for her, even going so far as to cease all contact with your other friends (if you have any) to make yourself available for her whenever she needs you at the shortest notice. But, as I said, being a nice guy, you’re probably already an expert at this step.

5.  Cling onto an insignificant object loosely associated with her

One of these days while you’re hanging out with her drying her tears from her recent domestic argument with her now-fiance, she will accidentally touch or leave behind some object to which you can immediately assign unparalleled significance. It might be a fork she ate off of, or maybe a ticket stub for a movie you watched as a group. The possibilities are endless, but remember to consider the pros and cons of which object you choose.

Item Pros Cons
Fork – simple
– washable
– can keep it near your desk without people thinking you’re particularly weird
– contains her mouth bacteria
– might accidentally assimilate with other household forks
– not particularly cuddly
– hurts to make out with
Dryer Lint – contains particles of her clothes, flesh, and hair
– you can gather it when she’s not looking
– feels soft against your skin
– flammable
– allergen
– not socially acceptable to have piles of lint lying around
Sock – inconspicuous
– easily incorporated into your sexual fantasies
– if you wear it, you can pretend your foot is her foot, and then you can give yourself a foot massage
– you have to get her to take off her socks somehow and forget one
– in moments of deep loneliness, seeing it on your floor will only make you more sexually frustrated
– your mom might spend hours trying to find the other matching sock
Ticket Stub – you can carry it in your wallet
– if someone asks you about it, you can just say, “Oh. Good show,” and change the subject
– you can keep it in your pillow case as you sleep
– you might accidentally throw it away
– you can never watch that same show ever again
Pen – useful
– you can doodle her name all over your notebooks
– you can keep it with you at all times without raising eyebrows
– she might ask for it back
– some asshole might borrow it and forget to return it (kind of like you did)
– also not particularly cuddly

6. Come to the realization that she will never actually be as good to you as the object you’ve assigned to symbolize her

You don’t really have to do much in this step other than let the time pass. Eventually she will get married to her asshole boyfriend, and sometime during the honeymoon when she posts the sex details on her Facebook page, you’ll find yourself talking with the object more and more. You see, the object understands you, and the object will never hurt you. It will always be there for you. Wasn’t this how you imagined your lady friend to begin with? Thus, doesn’t the object depict the envisioned lady friend more accurately than the lady friend herself? The actual person of the friend is a mere fraudulent facade. She is not the truth you’ve wanted this entire time! Your object – that sacred and pure, unadulterated object is the truth of who you’ve always wanted to be with. And when you get lonely, you can touch the object, and it will touch you back, and there will be love.

Congratulations! You have now successfully turned a woman into an object! Now you are free to abuse her as you please from the convenience of your own bedroom! You can even accessorize your object-woman with doll clothing, trash items that vaguely resemble lingerie, or even other objectified women who can compete for your attention to complete them!

Sure, you will have your moments of weakness, but why feel shame? We objectify our deceased loved ones in the symbol of their gravestone. We objectify our country through its flag. We objectify Jesus through the symbol of the crucifix, and God through the clouds in the sky. Why then, if objectification is good enough for God, can we not also objectify women into household objects that will never shy away from our adoration? Rationalization is your only hope for achieving happiness – that same happiness your asshole coworker achieves by making out with two chicks at the same time.

And, even as you rock back and forth within the confines of your padded cell in a couple years, deprived of your material object-woman, you can envision your object before you, and find contentment in your void. You’ll learn to appreciate the image in your mind as a sufficient substitute for that object you so desire. After all, what is another symbol for a symbol? The object symbolizes the woman who already symbolizes your idea. Having your imagination symbolize the object is only a step away. And, if you become a master, maybe you can substitute yourself for your imagination, and then your world of desire will just be you gazing into imagined duplicate mirrors.

“Why hello there, Fork. I see your boobies are looking rather plump today. How… titillating. And you, my sweet Lint. You have an above-average derrière. I do like big butts, and I cannot lie. And you, baby, Sock. Your hair is exquisite… sexy. Mind if I smell it? Ah yes… Tide… Mountain Spring. My favorite.”

The Senselessness of Obsessive-Compulsiveness

Times I’ve burned the house down:  0
Times I’ve been burglarized: 0
Times I’ve left the fridge open: 0

Times per night I check the stove: 3
Times per night I check the door lock: 3
Times per night I check the fridge: 3

Times during my nightly checks I’ve discovered the door unlocked, the stove on, or the fridge open: 0

Elusive Consequence

Whenever someone asks me how I am, I tell them honestly.  Sometimes that would be: “pretty good,” but more often it’s: “…kinda crappy; I fail at romantic intimacy and this drives away people who get impatient with my ineptitude.  Also, I haven’t composed anything in a while, which puts me in some sort of existential crisis of purpose.  And my car…”

It’s only at this point I realize “How’s it goin’?” is more of a greeting than an inquiry.  Oops.

“Pretty good, I guess…”

The question, “What’s new?” however, I always answer in the same way: “Not much.”  This is usually not satisfactory for I’ve noticed those who specifically ask “What’s new?” actually want to know what’s new.  The following conversation has definitely happened more than once:

Guy – “Hey, what’s new with you?”
Me – “Not much.”
Guy – “…aren’t you leaving for grad school soon?”
Me – “Oh yeah.  I’m moving to Texas in a month or two.”
Guy – “…didn’t you just get back from a road trip across country?”
Me – “Oh yeah, that.  Yeah.”
Guy – “Any exciting stories?”
Me – “Maybe.  I guess.  I don’t know.  No.”
Guy –

I suppose the reason for this isn’t that I see “What’s new?” as a formality of greeting, but rather, to me, nothing is really ever new.  Let’s take the aforementioned road trip for instance…

A while back, I agreed to drop everything I’ve been up to in life to fly out to Indiana to drive my pseudo-not really-I guess we were at the time-but in retrospect it totally wasn’t because we only held hands-but maybe it kind of was-high school is a strange place anyway-I’m not sure-she probably doesn’t count it on even days-or all days-ex-sorta maybe-girlfriend across country to the San Francisco Bay Area where we both live.  Part of it makes sense; we continue(d) to be friends and now our parents are BFFs, so it could’ve been a favor from our family to their family as family friends for me (unemployed and out of school, and thus not officially doing anything worth mentioning) to escort her home.  You know… for safety… or something like that.

But really, it made no sense at all.  Why would I drop my leisurely life hanging out with my local buddies and enjoying the modestly luxurious comforts of my Los Angeles city apartment to spend a week of potentially awkward* driving across country with someone I honestly haven’t talked much with in the past four years?  Especially since she could’ve a) just as well driven herself, b) sold her car (which was worth only slightly more than the gas money we paid to drive it across country), or c) gotten the car transported and flown.  It doesn’t make much sense why I would’ve been okay… or rather – happy to do this.

I suppose it came down to the saying: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  Every morning when I wake up, I’m the same me.  Every day after every morning, I do things throughout the day in an attempt to make tomorrow morning’s me somehow different.  I’m not an unhappy person, but I’m necessarily a happy person either, and my daily routine of tasks are designed to make me wake up the next morning happier.  Unfortunately, this never happens.  Why should I expect the next day to yield something else?

And thus, along came an opportunity to do something completely different than what I have become accustomed to in my life.  Out of the monotony of my daily routine, I was clutched and thrown into a plane headed for a state I’ve never been to in order to reconnect with an old friend via circumstances I’ve never experienced.  My life routine wasn’t working – why not try something new?  Maybe, just maybe, after the adventure of driving, I would get back to my apartment and wake up a new me, or maybe just a slightly happier me.

And so I went.  And so we drove.  And so I returned.  And so I woke up yesterday as I had woken up previous to the trip.  And so I will wake up tomorrow as I woke up yesterday.

Really, what did I expect to find?  Was I somehow going to drive over artistic inspiration, find Jesus hitchhiking, or have some life-changing epiphany showering in the roadside Motel 6?  Sure, I saw the country, but it’s already a memory.  And yes, I reconnected a bit with an old friend, but now we’re still mutual disembodied heads on Facebook represented by lines of text describing who we are and what we like.

Green River, Wyoming.

Yesterday, this was a moment. Today, this is a memory. Tomorrow, it will be a picture.

This is why whenever someone asks me “What’s new?” I always respond with “not much.”  It doesn’t matter what life experience you have – if you wake up tomorrow as the exact same person, how can you claim anything to be new in your life?  The only things worth mentioning are things that somehow change us and influence us.  Yes, things happen, but most of what happens also happens to millions if not billions of other people in the world.  When it comes down to it, finding situations that have actual real self-defining consequence is the most difficult of our earthly quests.

And that is my goal in life: to find consequence, so that tomorrow when I wake up, I can have a better answer for “What’s new?”

Oh… my sweet elusive Consequence.  You can run, but you can’t hide.

* If you were pretty sure your parents were trying to hook you up with an old friend of yours with whom you were going to spend days upon days in a car, you’d find it potentially awkward too.

Caring vs. Indifference

In the great struggle between caring and indifference, indifference wins every time. The only hope caring has to win is if it can somehow force indifference into caring. Then it’s war.

Although, I suppose this principle only works if Caring and Indifference are for the most part trying to accomplish the same goals. Let’s take some examples –

Caring and Indifference are trying to leave the house to get to the grocery store. Caring wants to get there by 5pm before the post-work rush. Indifference is ambivalent to when they get there. By 4:30pm, Caring is all set to go. Indifference is still in pajamas. The following conversation ensues:

Caring – “C’mon! We’re gonna be late!”
Indifference – “Well, go without me then.”

This stabs Caring right in the heart. Caring wants to get to the store on time, but he also wants to go with Indifference, because he cares about their friendship. Caring decides to wait around for Indifference to get ready, forcing them not to leave until after 5:30pm when Indifference finally puts on his damn shoes.

Indifference: 1. Caring: 0.

A month later, Caring and Indifference are on a road trip. Caring wants to get home by Friday, but Indifference wants to get home whenever. Caring also doesn’t like driving, and Indifference doesn’t mind driving, so Indifference has control of the vehicle.

Caring – “Can you drive a bit faster?”
Indifference – “Meh. Don’t feel like it.”
Caring – “Pleeeease? I’ll buy you fish tacos.”
Indifference – “I don’t feel strongly about fish tacos.”
Caring – “But I really want to get back by the season finale of 2 Girls 1 Crappy Reality Show.”
Indifference – “Look, do you want to drive?”

Indifference: 2. Caring: 0.

Later on, while Caring and Indifference are trying to hide what’s left of the adopted niece’s body,* they encounter a crisis wherein they have no matches or gasoline for the fireplace and the neighboring hound had already eaten dinner.

Caring – “Indifference, I need you to run to the store and pick up gas, matches, a shovel, a whole lot of incense, and a tall latte, no whipped cream.”
Indifference – “Why should I? You’re the one who drowned her in the kiddy pool.”
Caring – “Only because you didn’t bother telling her to keep her trap shut! …okay, fine. You watch the body. I’ll get the latte. You want one?”
Indifference – “Eh, if you’re paying.”

Indifference: 3. Caring: 0.

Unfortunately for the duo, they both wind up in prison. Caring, afraid of his fellow inmates, tries his hardest to keep his crime a mystery. This is all in vain; it takes no more than a week for the inmates to find out.

Inmate – “What are you in for?”
Indifference – “You know that story with the girl, her unborn child, the kiddy pool, the fireplace, seven chihuahuas, and a tall latte?”
Inmate – “…yeah…”
Indifference – “That was me. …and that guy over there. The guy with the veiny temples. In fact, he’s the one who killed her. I just didn’t stop him.”
Inmate – “…that sick, sick bastard!”

Indifference: 4. Caring: 0.

When Caring finally got out of the infirmary, he sat down with Indifference at the cafeteria and the two of them had a heart to heart.

Caring – “Indifference, why did you tell people what we did?”
Indifference – “I dunno. It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time.”
Caring – “I… I’m paralyzed from the waist down. I’ll never walk again.”
Indifference – “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like your cell has a panoramic view or anything.  Chillax.”
Caring – “Indiffy, why don’t you care when I suffer?”
Indifference – “Why do you choose to suffer?”
Caring – “I suffer because I… I love you.”
Indifference – “That’s nice.”

It was at that moment Caring took the plastic spork and repeatedly bludgeoned Indifference, who was not too keen on defending himself, until he was fatefully and irreversible incapacitated on the floor of the cafeteria.

“This would have never happened had we left for the grocery store at 4:30 like I wanted!”

Apparently Indifference’s last words were: “If I had known that was why you wanted to get back by Friday, I would’ve cared!”

Caring: 1. Indifference: n/a

The moral of the story is… well… the moral of the story… uh… it’s in there somewhere. Maybe.

* As it turns out, Caring and Indifference are the antagonists in every Law and Order: SVU episode ever.

Places Worse than Dorris: Episode III

While in the middle of a 5,000 mile road trip around the country, I was beginning to grow disheartened by the realization that perhaps there really aren’t many places that much worse than poor Dorris. Perhaps my blog series should have been entitled “Places Comparable to / Slightly Better than Dorris,” and then I could write more. But as it is, finding places actually worse than Dorris is quite difficult. Even Alturas, a town I was positive would be a contender, over-delivered.

Modoc Library

They even have a library!

It was in the midst of this hopeless pessimism I had the fortunate misfortune of driving through Orick, CA. Orick is a less than lovely town in Humboldt County, Northern California and has the advantage of being just outside Redwood National Park. It also lies on the coast’s main thoroughfare, the big and bustling US-101.


The Mighty US-101 through Orick, to give you an idea of what we're dealing with here

While most of the places I judge to be less than desirable are generally in the middle of an arid desert or oil field (and thus have little choice but to be heaps of dookie by environment), Orick is in an otherwise beautiful area with natural fresh water, rain, coast, and lots of pretty trees. And yet, even then, not even the Redwoods can save Orick. It wasn’t so much that it was run down (which it was) or in the middle of nowhere (which it also was), but that it had little things that put it slightly on the life-fearing side of the creepy zone.

House in Orick.

Don't mind if I do!

What a deal!

Can I write you a check?

Even then, if it wasn’t the sign beckoning visitors to relieve a doddering house of its alienation or the suspiciously cheap BMW, it was the apparent lack of motel vacancies on its main strip.

Hotel in Orick

"We're sorry. This is a busy year for tourism."

Orick, I’m sorry, but you’re a coastal town outside of a national park. You have no excuse.